11 May 2016

“When you get to hell, help me greet your fantastically corrupt dad!”- Freeze to Cameron.. Lol..

The cool FM OAP shared this..

Read what he said after the jump:) Quiet interesting... 

“Dear David, when you get to hell, help me greet your fantastically corrupt dad!

I can’t believe that you, a man whose father was implicated in the Panama papers saga and this same you were asked by the opposition to resign because you owned shares in the alleged company that was involved, are now calling Nigeria corrupt??? John 8:7 KJV: [7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.The qualification required to call someone corrupt, is to be absolutely corruption free yourself.I wish my president was from the ghetto so he could bitch slap your punk ass and turn you bright pink.
But then again….. He wouldn’t want to stain his palms.~FRZ”

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